You don't know me
Or anything I do
What do you see?
What is your view
I stay quiet
Stay out of trouble
But you want a riot
To burst my bubble
Attacked out of the blue
I did nothing at all
I did nothing to you
So why did you call?
You used a word of hate
Accused me of lies
I question your mental state
When you gave me a suprise
Just one word, a word so vile
That's not me, don't call me that
One word destroyed my smile
And turned my whole world flat
Why do you hate me so?
I did nothing to you
I have anger but I'll let it go
I'll keep my feelings true
I refuse to be swallowed by rage
By what you just said
I'll move on and turn the page
While your face remains red
One word can cut so deep
And bring up an ugly past
Hate makes the future seen bleak
Hopefully it will never last
I refused to be swallowed by it
I accept everyone as they are
My compassion will never quit
We are all children of the stars
The universe lies inside of us
We have so much power inside
Let's unite in a bond of love
And let the word hate shrivel up and die.
©2013 Darryl Mouzone