Another morning comes but I don't really care
Just another day if wishing I was over there
In the land of my dreams but I live in this towm
Forever alone so I'm feeling pretty down
The sun is shining but I'm thinking, big deal
I think I'll be moody until my dreams become real
No good morning, don't tell me to smile
That's something I haven't done in awhile
Why should I smile? I don't have a reason
Just the same thing season after season
Day after day, just the same boring routine
You want me to smile? Don't make me look mean
I'm pretty sure that streak won't be broken today
I'm just going to go back inside and write the day away
I don't need to hear that things will get better and cheer up
It's been years now and things still suck
I highly doubt that things are going to improve
In this game of life, I'm just destined to lose
Instead of saying that I just give them a wave
And tell my neighbors to have a good day
I guess that's the only other thing that I can do
As I try not to be rude to anyone while I'm in this bad mood.
©2013 Darryl Mouzone