I guess I'm not a man, that's what I say to myself
Because I don't see women as another notch on my belt
I have many other things on my mind instead of sex
I don't need to prove how tough I am by breaking necks
I would never utter words that would make a woman less than a queen
Because that's what she is, I hold her in high esteem
I would be grateful for the woman who would be with me
To see who I really am, past what they can physically see
I would be loyal to her and wouldn't have a desire to stray
She took a chance on me so I would never push her away
I wouldn't take her for granted as the days turned into years
She would light up my world every time she came near
But "real men" can't help but cheat
"Real men" only look at women like pieces of meat
"Real men" will always see a woman as something less
"Real men" have needs and cheating is what they do best
I don't want to "sell my oats" and sleep with as many women as I can
That doesn't interest me so I guess that means I'm not a man.
©2013 Darryl Mouzone