Friday, March 29, 2013



You can be the nicest person in earth
Care for humanity and peace for what it's worth
But in the end it always comes down to looks
You are judged by your cover, not the entire book
I'm ugly but I try to be a decent human being
They don't see that but it's the monster they're seeing
There's beauty inside a beast like me
I just wish the world could open up and see
Ignore my hideous face, and see who I am
Don't laugh at my size, please do it if you can
See more than the physical mess I can be
Just peer past that and see the real me
But looks are everything in this superficial place
And no one can get past the looks on my face
They just see me as a social disgrace
I'll always be a loner, a sad broken soul
Never knowing what it's like to truly feel whole
Because people only see me as an ugly looking thing
In this vain society, looks are everything.
©2013 Darryl Mouzone

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