Sunday, March 24, 2013



"Now here we are Dorian, the battle begins"
Says El-Kyria with a voice of pure malice
Dorian has no idea of what battle he's in
It could possibly tear up the entire palace
Energy bursts from El-Kyria hands
Black death coming in the form of magic
But Dorian makes the blue aura expand
So the ending  didn’t become tragic
The colliding of magic tears the world apart
And now they’re stuck between darkness and light
Dorian can feel the fast beating of his heart
As he knows that he’s fighting for his life
And there it is, the battle for the ultimate prize
As the stone is suspended right in the air
So much power contained despite its size
Dorian makes a run towards it right then and there
El-Kyria sees what he’s doing so he does the same
It’s a race to see who will reach the stone first
Both have the magic and they can both claim
The power within and begin its new birth
They both grab the stone right at the same time
And now they both are in a world of pain
Not a pain of the body but a pain in the mind
A shattering of shards of glass inside their brains
The pain is so intense, they can barely breathe
Dorian begins to pass out, he can’t hold on
His vision is blurry, he’s struggling to see
And then, just like that, everything is gone
No more light, all he can see is endless dark
He doesn’t even know if he’s alive anymore
Will light reign, or will darkness start
Who knows in this endless war?
©2013 Darryl Mouzone

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