Wednesday, October 30, 2013



In the middle of the street, there it grows
In the afternoon sun it seems to glow
People walk by it, going on with their lives 
They don't know what it took for it to survive The sunflower grew through so much pain 
The countless seasons of the sun and rain 
It broke through and made it to the surface 
And the sunflower still views itself as worthless 
No one seems to care its struggle, it's being ignored
Dropped over with a sad future that seems I  store 
But then someone stopped and took notice
Seeing the sunflower's worth and didn't see it as hopeless 
He gently gave it water for a little relief
The sunflower stood back up to grasp his reach 
Even though most people barely noticed that it was there 
Someone did and he did so with care
The sunflower that survived the pollution of this world
And saw nightmares and terrors become unfurled 
Stood tall from that water and was open again 
The man smiled and said "So long my little friend!" 
He walked on but he would be back tomorrow 
To water the sunflower as it grew from sorrow 
Defying all odds, it grew from the cracked concrete 
Something that was far from an easy feat
From that day on he visited that sunflower 
And despite the surroundings he saw its power
He marveled at the strength that it must take 
To crack through the concrete in this world of hate 
But despite of it all, it grows and still thrives 
Never giving up, reaching for the sun in the sky. 
©2013 Darryl Mouzone

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