Wednesday, June 19, 2013



The shores still remain black from what happened years ago
A bloody battle which claimed many lives
In this barren land, nothing seems to grow
And here, not even birds dare to fly
But our three heroes are making their way to find a ship
To take them across the dangerous black seas
That have given birth to many stories and myths
They were going to find out if those stories were true
As they head out to meet the Son of the Sea
A man who's survived every storm he's sailed through
His crew were made of legends and tales
Lonely men who have made the sea their life
They have battled sharks and Leviathan Whales
And have rode through the worst storms and the darkest night
But his crew is going to a new place they have never been before
To an island that may or may not exist
They don't know what fate may have in store
To a possible island that might be beyond the mist
Many have set sail that way and were never heard from again
A trace of where they went to were never found
The Son of the Sea looks up as he sees these friends
And chatter among his crew begins to abound
A deal was struck in a moment of need
Never in his life has he seen so much gold
The crew prepared the ship to sail with speed
But will they live to spend it?  They don't know
But as the three heroes board the ship, another adventure begins
Will they find the unknown island or sail into nowhere?
Does the Son of the Sea really know what deal he got in?
So many questions as tension and fear is thick in the air
Off they go, into the dark water and into the night
Strange creatures swim by in this water, so black
Now all aboard have to take courage and might
Because at this point, there is no turning back.
©2013 Darryl Mouzone

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